Hey Brother…where are you now?
Nowhere but down?
All alone…
Falling…through that pit…?
…Aint no home.
What can you hold onto now…brother?
It’s not there?
Long way…down….
Where is the One? Where are those we love…our brothers and sisters?
…Aint no home.
How can you even think of surrender? …Still it is a struggle?
What about all that death? What about the blood?
How many more of us fell before you?
…a moment that is replayed over and over again….
It’s not there?
Nothing you can hold?
I ask, Where are you now?
Your guns so precious….
To protect…or for this death and murder?
It’s not there?
Was your life filled with these rites…?
…what of love and of brotherhood?
Long way…down….
You may have thought it would be over now, but this is only another beginning.
You may have thought you would be where everyone else ends up, but well…
What do you have to hold onto now?
All alone…
Above it all on the 32nd floor…
So you thought, but really….
It’s not there?
Where are you now?
“He is dead…currently…”.
You start again. Alone…from a better place…?
All alone…
How many dead? How many lives have been torn open in your bloody feast?
How much pain?
It’s not there?
Coming back again, can you see it…?
“He is dead…currently…”.
Where are you now my brother?
It’s not there?
Yes, I’m talking to you.
All alone….
May God have mercy on your everlasting soul….
This lament originally appeared on the Reveille website on October 3, 2017.