This world…not the Earth, but this world created, through the ages, by human hands… is not the Earth that God made.
Look at this world with new eyes. It is a mirror and we can see our own mortality if we stare long enough. Around us we see…a world on the brink of radioactive fiery annihilation? We could not see clearly enough though, and the truth was finally unheard beneath the roaring sun and falling stars. The urgency of this was lost as we failed to realize Hiroshima had made war utterly and irrevocably obsolete forever more.
This world of nations came closer to extinction, but old habits and institutions die hard and their death is slow and so very painful. These nation-states had been consolidating their powers too long for them to simply fade away like an autumn wind. So blindly we march into this new century without taking much pause. Faithlessly we must tread past this precipice that portents the world’s abysmal doom.
Of course, there’s more. We rape, we pillage and we leave this planet in ruins through the pandemic of vice and greed that the Counselor whispers in a sort of unholy comfort to our ears. The economics of natural selection insists on nothing less he says. Are we past the point of return? Can we renounce our love for worldly Thanatos to save ourselves and this planet Earth?
Paradise this is not. Heaven and Hell are real. They are so very real and are here and now, not in some mystical dimension invented by the father of lies, but all around us mind, body and soul.
This is Hell. Satan is its master. Make no mistake. His world this is. He is the father of lies. Believe in this world and you believe the lies…his lies.
The first law is murder. We are taught the unholy rites repeated hundreds of millions of times each and every day. In this world a farm animal is murdered every two-thirds of a second for human consumption. Only God knows how many fish and sea creatures are murdered in that two-thirds of a second.
In our arrogant hubris we fail to acknowledge the power of sacrifice as it is broadcast through the universal psyche, seeps deep down into our now fully rotten consciousness, and must drown in the tears of our blood-stained, terror-filled eyes. Awash in blood, filling our innards with corpse and decay and subconsciously aware of so many silent screams our souls become weighed with the violence…the death and the ill-ease that is our disease.
We become what we consume. We eat misery. We eat death. We are disease. We live in the pain that is our impending and real death lived over and over in thundering successions. The adrenaline that once coursed through the living veins of our victims will keep us up each night until our anxiety has brought us once again into the depths of despair and madness and constant, unrelenting fear. We drape ourselves in the fleshly skins of these victims. While we walk the earth in our own righteousness, we wear that mark on our heads and bury our hearts beneath the bloody carcasses of these unholy sacrifices.
There’s more. Slavery is a human institution as well. We have dairy farms, battery farms, feed lots, apiaries, zoos, circuses, and a long list of atrocious means to oppress and to exploit.
This darkness knows little bounds. We murder one another. In war, in crime and why not?, our supposedly free and democratic states sanction the murder of the most heinous members of our societies. The state says murder – repackaged as war, abortion, capital punishment or just a midnight snack – is acceptable under certain circumstances that are approved by law. So we claim there is justice in killing. Is it any wonder the members of this society believe the same – that in the finality of death there is some sort of justice?
This is how our nation-states handle world affairs after all – through war and violence. We experiment on one another – after inhumanely using non-human animals we turn to the world’s most poor and destitute. Racism and bigotry thrive at all levels of society. Ignorance and hatred seethe under the surface until they explode in brutal assaults.
Look around you and see. Turn your ear so that you may hear.
Life, it is most apparent, holds little value in our institutions and the people who exalt these institutions. Murder and violence is how we solve these problems, but we fail to see that a thousand more problems and disturbing woes will spring from every act of violence we perpetuate.
All our social systems are based on slavery and the coercive force of violence so that this relationship between the master and the slave has come to define the fascist states and their economies of wealth and poverty – institutions of workers and owners – or what we have come to define as the “winners and losers” in the race for material gain and power.
The free market world favors the privileged, the strongest, the smartest, shrewdest and the most charming and attractive. It most especially favors those in a position to exploit and who rarely think twice taking for themselves whatever presents itself as an advantage, a prize or a trophy. For the weak and the less fortunate or those who are unwilling to do anything it takes, not to mention those who have been marginalized due to sex or race or other unseemly attributes, well we simply leave them behind in poverty, persecution and behind bars. This is anything but a Christian society.
The nation-states of the world persecute, exploit, murder and perpetuate an egregious number of injustices on each other and their own citizenry. Amnesty International claims that in 2015, 98 states tortured or otherwise ill-treated people, at least 18 states or armed groups committed war crimes or violated the “laws of war” and 30 or more states illegally forced refugees to return to the countries where they would be in danger. War rages in the Middle East while Israel, enabled by its western patrons, illegally grabs land and carves up the Palestinian homeland in its commitment to an authoritarian manifest destiny. The list goes on: Syria, Pakistan, Russia, Angola, Gambia, Venezuela, Thailand, Mexico, Burundi, China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Hungary, Slovakia, Saudi Arabia, Kenya….
The Holocaust; the purges of the Soviet Union; Pol Pot’s Killing Fields; the genocides of Armenia, Greece, Assyria and Western Mongolia; Rwanda in the 1990s; Croatia during WWII; Bangladesh in 1971; Burundi’s genocides; the Kurds of Saddam Hussein; the Silent Holocaust of the United Fruit Company in Guatemala; Bosnia, and what is happening to the gnostic Yazidis today in Iraq.
At home in America, a growingly impoverished working class must deal with economic hardships due to the rise of corporatism and the dismantling of the welfare state. Few social services remain for the growing class of American working poor. Too many turn to street drugs and booze for psychic healing since psychiatric care or other forms of therapy are beyond reach of anyone but the most affluent.
With the highest incarceration rates in the world, the USA trebles the victimization of the working poor and, indeed, has virtually made poverty a crime itself.
Make no mistake about it. This is Satan’s world.
The holy avatar has returned to find the true self and the true meaning. This is the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven, but first the holy one must submit to God’s Will.
This is Christ’s return. He has returned to overthrow this world of our god Lucifer. Will we let him lead us back to the eternal Garden that is Mother Earth given to all of His Children by the Father God?
The image of Christ is the good shepherd carrying the lost sheep back to the fold. He will not leave any of us behind, not even the weakest among us. The first shall be last and the last first.
There is one Father – God – and one Mother – Earth – all of us, every living creature, are children of God and brothers and sisters. We must start acting like a family or, well, sanity will let you see what then. Pray His Will Be Done. Amen.
This post originally appeared on the Reveille website March 28, 2017.