American Death


Once upon a time, it was popular to call America’s form of representational government “democracy”. Now, many of those advocating for revolutionary change have drawn the distinction between democracy and the American Republic. There seems little question that in rhetorically drawing America away from democratic traditions, there is an attempt to make us all a little more comfortable with the idea of the rule by the few.

This isn’t something new either. The machinations of the cold war served to obscure the distinction between political systems of governance, such as democracy or authoritarianism, with economic systems such as capitalism or communism. This didn’t just serve to confuse one into believing one type of economy demanded a specific form of politics. America became a “democracy” and this implied a capitalist economy where individual freedom was nurtured. Meanwhile, communist economics were aligned with the oppressive totalitarianism of the Soviet Union and Red China.

In truth, political systems of government are how states determine their laws, enforce their laws, and adjudicate their laws. Political systems, like democratic forms of government, have no direct correlation to the economic systems that determine the division of wealth of a nation-state. Conversely, economic systems like capitalism are not political systems and have no direct bearing on individual liberties outside the market.

By conflating these, America propagandists successfully bundled “Communism” with fascist authoritarian rule and “Democracy” with the free markets of capitalism.

The result is a confusion of what socialism is and what it is capable of. More important, Americans have a residual dread fear of anything smacking of socialism. When someone proposes a socialist agenda, the fear of tyrannical oppression paralyzes the nation. Although this all served the propagandists of America’s cold war corporatism, it has become burdensome in our time of crises to say the least.

Where does America find itself not quite a year before the 2024 presidential elections?  

One important fact of the American political system has not changed. This “democracy” we have forged is decidedly a Two-Party System. You may like this or not, but it is the reality we all must deal with. To believe otherwise and to pursue phantom candidates from alternative parties is simply not an option unless one wishes to simply not participate in the vote-wielding potency of American politics and its two-party system.

So, we have a two-party system here in America. One of these political parties is corrupt. It has been bought and sold to serve corporate wealth and power. It is less beholden to the people and most in debt to wealthy donors, corporate big-wigs, and the billionaire class. It is filled with corrupt politicians seeking personal gain through increased wealth and the power that accompanies it.

One must seriously consider whether it is wise to support such a party. That is, until one considers the alternative. After all, this is a two-party system and not a three-party or pluralistic democracy.

The other political party in America is the Nazi Party.

This is not an exaggeration and is true in everything but name. The very ones who have reformed this political party espouse the ideology of fascism along with many of the aesthetics, slogans, racial animus, hatred, and violence.

If one calls themselves a Republican, one must consider this. First, the Grand Old Party you formerly embraced no longer exists. This is a plain and simple fact. That party is not coming back like some noble Lazarus either. Quite literally, this party has now become the Nazi Party.

In a two-party system, history instructs us that at some point one party will eventually come into power. This may be through presidential elections or dominance in one or both houses of congress. It is simply a feature of a two-party system that each party, at some point or another, will eventually come into power.

No problem there until one considers our new reality. In America, we have the corrupt party of neoliberal corporatism and the Nazi Party. Eventually, the Nazi Party will come into power.

Then America will have a One-Party System.

This party spells the end of America.

Unless, by some miracle of human insight followed by a Herculean struggle, the Nazi Party is utterly destroyed and erased from the American political landscape.

How did America get here? It seems what we see in American politics today is reflected throughout much of the world especially where one once expected to see liberal “democracies” in power.

Something has caused people to lose confidence in their institutions and their leadership. We are faced with an extraordinary stark division of wealth throughout the world. A smaller and narrower number of people hold an awesome level of power. One can state confidently and without exaggeration that the amount of power possessed by this very few is the most power ever grasped by human hands.

There is certainly the climate crisis. There are uncertainties, the fear of nuclear holocaust, the manipulation of the human genome, the rise of artificial intelligence, mass surveillance, more people competing for a dwindling pie, and any of a number of circumstances that traumatize and add to our already overstressed psyches. 

It’s simple really, isn’t it? We are facing the end of the world.

The result is an abandonment of the status quo – the political middle. This is the very same middle that has guided American and much of the world’s politics likely since the inception of these nations and their constitutions.

From our political vantage, this “middle” is very broad and encompasses both a “right” and a “left”, but not necessarily the political poles largely left out of serious political discourse within nations such as the USA.

As the middle is abandoned, some move to farther right and some farther left. Eventually, the extremes are drawn into mainline politics.

As usual with the version of “democracy” spread by America, the left ends up cut off. Rather a brutal and murderous military dictatorship friendly to multinationals than socialism antagonistic to these same businesses. Indeed, by labeling leftist politics as socialism or “worst”, the left is stigmatized to the point of being cut out of the political process as too “undemocratic”.

This was witnessed in the primaries leading up to the 2020 US presidential elections when every democratic primary candidate dropped out of the race as a unified whole once the “socialist” candidate on the left, Bernie Sanders, was becoming the leading candidate. This left the nomination to middle-of-the-road Joe Biden, the only other democrat left to face him.

Meanwhile, corporations who favor Biden will take the previous president, #45, over of a died-in-wool Wobbly like Sanders. So, we have the corrupt, middling, status quo and the fascist right.

On the right, we have He Who Shall Not Be Named. Former president #45 who tried to stay in office by overthrowing America’s form of democracy.

Now he whines about democracy and not being allowed on states, like Colorado and Maine’s, ballots. The media, operating under the Herman/Chomsky propaganda model, declare this disqualification would disenfranchise a whole slew of the American voting public.

Conveniently, these same journalists and opinion-makers seem to fail to see that there are two sides to this. Allowing someone to run for president who had formerly attempted to overthrow the government is the real outrage here, not barring this person from seeking this sort of political power he will certainly turn to tyranny. 

The fact is the 2024 presidential elections are almost certainly doomed to chaos. If Biden wins, the fascists will explode in furious outrage. If the other is even allowed to run, the elections will be viewed as illegitimate by those seeking to defend democracy in America.   

It seems America’s founders wished to protect the new republic from tyrants like King George or this new demon. Even as this 14th amendment was a response to the threat from insurrectionists and rebel confederacies after the Civil War, it seems the very heart of our constitution is built to protect the American people from tyrannical rule.  

To simplify things – those who do not abide by the oaths of the office, should not be allowed to run for the office. Those who attempt to overthrow the government, should not be allowed to run for the same government they wish to overthrow.

We may need a little of the common sense of these founding fathers to recognize how critical this is to our nation’s survival.

To argue that this should be resolved in the court of law is another trap. Certainly, to throw him in jail for his crimes would require a proceeding in our criminal courts, but this is a matter of barring someone from running for office.

His guilt was on full display. The evidence isn’t a matter of hearsay, but has been gathered first-hand by the millions who watched him and listened to him in his many machinations designed to thwart our democracy.

This crime was performed in front of the entire nation day-after-day leading up to January 6th. Certainly, a good many Americans have been deceived into believing the falsehoods spouted by this traitor and his sycophants.

Justice demands we filter out the distortions and lies and seek only the truth.

That truth is that this was almost certainly the greatest crime ever perpetuated against the United States of America. Nixon and Benedict Arnold were choir boys compared to this one. Put him in the company of Jeff Davis and his ilk. 

This will be decided by the Supreme Court. Yet, the ruling should be obvious. This man does not meet the bar of eligibility for the presidency of this country.

This is a matter of his fitness to hold the greatest office in the land and not whether he is guilty of a crime or not. He took part in and led an insurrection against the government “of the people”. His guilt in this matter was on full display.

Allowed to take the oath of office of presidency once again, he will betray this oath once more and remove the last grasp of political power from “We the People”.

Yes, the 45th president lowered the bar of the presidency. Are we to lower the bar further and allow insurrectionists to run for the highest office of the land?

This Supreme Court is likely to rule that he shall and to leave it to the voters to decide.

So, the bar has been lowered.

President Biden meets this low bar. He will likely be the only candidate of the two (and recall this is a Two-Party System) who can meet this low bar.

Why, because his opponent will almost certainly fail to meet this bar. In fact, most any potential nominee from the Republican Party would likely enable the former and 45th president and/or the fascist agenda that will, based on Republican success, doom America to a One-Party System.  

The bar that Joe Biden meets, that low bar, is that Biden loves American democracy and wants to protect it.

Nothing else really matters. You can try to go further and sure, Biden reaches a higher bar than this, but the point is the other party doesn’t.

You can talk about Biden’s track record, voting record, challenges dealing with obstructionism, Israel, or whatever, but all of that doesn’t really matter when the opposition fails to reach this low bar that has been set for presidential candidates in this country for 2024.

Joe Biden must be the best candidate for president ever put forth in American history. This isn’t hyperbole. It’s a night and day decision and is entirely based on the opposition in this Two-Party System – the Nazis.

We must go further. We must eliminate this Nazi Party. It must be erased from the American political landscape. This party, called the Republican Party, and its leader, He Who Shall Not Be Named, spell the end of America’s experiment if we fail.

If we fail, America will make its final, greatest fall and become something it was never intended to be.

A One-Party system.